jfmengels' blog

What if ESLint's configuration worked like elm-review?

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I have used ESLint extensively in the past. As a user, as the "ESLint configurator" for my teams, and as a rule author.

Since then, I have had even more experience designing and creating my own static analysis tool for the Elm language named elm-review, which was heavily inspired by my years of working with ESLint.

I was curious to see how the configuration for ESLint would look like if it used the same ideas as elm-review, and I find the results really promising! I believe it allows for more fine-grained control configuration and a more intuitive configuration experience.

This proposal was shaped on my personal views on static analysis tools, some of which can be found in how disable comments make static analysis tools worse. Reading that article will definitely help understand where I come from, while reading this current article will show how some of the advice in there can be set in place.

Current configuration

Following is an example of an ESLint configuration at the time of writing. I will not try to replicate it, but I just wanted to add a reminder. This file can be written either as a JavaScript file (as below) or as a JSON file (slightly different but very close).

module.exports = {
"env": {
"es2021": true,
"node": true
"extends": [
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true
"ecmaVersion": 12,
"sourceType": "module"
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"indent": [ "error", 4 ],
"linebreak-style": [ "error", "unix" ],
"quotes": [ "error", "double" ],
"semi": [ "error", "always" ]

There is ongoing work from the core team to re-design the configuration system (proposal), but I won't discuss it much.

The idea

elm-review's configuration is done through a file written in Elm, so ESLint's should be done in a JavaScript file. This way, the configuration can be manipulated more easily by the users of the tool because it's written in a language that they're already familiar with, and not a new DSL that they have to learn.

That is not a big departure from the current system since that is already supported, and in the next re-design it will be the only solution anyway.

I believe that this works well when the configuration is fast to load, meaning that it works well for "scripted" languages like JavaScript or Python, as well as compiled languages where the compilation is very fast and easy to set up (like Elm). It becomes increasingly cumbersome in the other cases. We're lucky we're in this situation!

import /* ... */;
const rules = /* ... */;
export default {
languageOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2020,
sourceType: "module"
rules: rules
// ... other options

The exposed configuration would be done through the export default syntax, or module.exports, or a named export, it doesn't really matter too much. A decision would need to be made, but whichever is used is fine and won't matter for the rest of the proposal.

The options in that object would be close to what is currently in there. My knowledge on the available top-level options has grown smaller over time, but it will likely remain mostly unchanged, except for options like "plugins" and "rules" which we'll focus on. Maybe the others need to be rethought as well, but I have nothing to bring to the table on that subject.

The interesting change is in rules, which has become an array. If you want to enable a specific rule, for instance one of the core ESLint rules, add it to the array.

import * as core from "eslint";
const rules = [
// more rules...

Possibly, the rule would be exposed as core["no-unused-vars"]. It's not as nice in my opinion, but that would probably be the better option for better backwards compatibility and consistency with the current naming convention. I hope you don't mind, but I'll stick with the camel case version.

In elm-review, the whole configuration is just this list of rules. We currently have no need for additional configuration because Elm is a simpler language and ecosystem than JavaScript, and we can infer all the information we need from project files.

If you want to extend a configuration, use JavaScript spread or concatenation:

import * as core from "eslint";
const rules = [
// more rules...

core.recommended and other configurations would just be arrays of rules (Note that this is maybe simplified for configurations from plugins).

If you want to disable a rule because you want to turn it off or use different configuration, remove it with a JavaScript .filter() call:

const rules = [
...core.recommended.filter(rule => rule.name !== "no-debugger"),
// more rules...

If you don't include a rule, it won't be enabled.

In addition, and to better work with ESLint's config and plugin system, ESLint could provide a helper that would turn off rules.

import * as core from "eslint";
const rules = [
// or alternatively, to disable multiple rules at the same time.
core.disable(["no-debugger", "other-rule-name"]),

We'll visit how to re-configure rules in a further section.

Notice that core.noUnusedVars was a function? That's because options would be moved to be simple arguments of each rule.

That would make configuration a bit more straightforward, compared to extracting from the context as is done today, and allows functions, regexes and other non-JSON values to be passed as configuration. Also, you can now potentially validate a configuration using TypeScript.

const rules = [
core.noConsole({ "allow": ["warn", "error"] }),
// more rules...

Since it doesn't take any arguments, we could choose to have core.noUnusedVars be a simple value instead of a function. The downside is then that users would have to know which rules take arguments and which don't, which I think would make for a worse experience.

I think that some would probably advise for allowing both, as I often see it in the JavaScript world. "If it looks like a rule, treat it as a rule. If it's a function, call it with no arguments" (ESLint's next configuration does this with arrays of settings I believe).

While that would work, I'd advise against it because it makes the configuration less consistent, and would add more baggage to the tool that could one day prove to be problematic.

Instead, have ESLint report a nice and detailed configuration error when one element does not look like a rule, and everyone will be better off. Otherwise I'm sure some people would be inclined to create ESLint rules to make the ESLint configuration fit their preferences.

How would plugins work? Plugins are essentially (well, mostly) packages that export rules and sometimes pre-defined configurations. So if we took the plugin for React, using its rules could look like:

import * as react from "eslint-plugin-react";
const rules = [
// more rules...

Depending on the structure of the package, the way to access the rules could be slightly different (such as react.rules["forbid-prop-types"]), but it could still be close to this. For plugins that simply add rules like eslint-plugin-react (and not change the behavior of ESLint somehow), there would be no need to both add it to a list of plugins like is done currently and add it to the list of rules.

Configuration would feel a lot less "magic". It becomes much easier to figure out how the configuration messed up when it happens. If someone types react.frbidPropTypes(), there will be stack trace that hopefully will be helpful enough to figure out the issue.

I think that the current behavior of reporting an error in every file when there is a configuration error is sub-par, though I guess there are some reasons for that I'm not aware of.

Similarly, I believe that if a rule is misconfigured, it should be able to gracefully report it to ESLint who would then show a nice error message to the user that says that a rule was misconfigured, and prevent further usage until the problem has been resolved.

Rule specific configuration

Here comes the—in my opinion—interesting part: generic rule-specific configuration.

After being passed arguments, every rule can be configured further through chained method calls.

For instance, notice that we didn't specify the severity of the rule so far. We would do that by chaining a method call on the rule:


Rules would have to be wrapped in some kind of construct, so rule authors would have to expose the result of a function call of a function that ESLint provides, instead of an object with meta and create keys.

function noConsole(options) {
return core.createRule({
name: "no-console",
meta: { /* meta */ },
create: function create(context) {
// forbid console the same way that is currently done

Note: in this example, arguments passed to the rule would show up as arguments of the noConsole function. They would then be available through a closure in the create function.

ESLint would be the one to add and maintain methods like asWarning above, not rule authors. To work well, rules would need to be immutable, meaning every method call would return a new copy of the rule that would have this additional configuration.

Back to warnings explicitly. Rules would be errors by default, since warnings are actually detrimental to a project. elm-review doesn't have severity levels at all.

Similarly, we could have an opt-in option to allow disabling a rule with a comment like // eslint-disable-line.


I believe that this should not be allowed by default, and again, it's a feature that elm-review doesn't have.

We can also use this construct to specify on which files a rule should or should not be run.

.ignoreInDirectories(["tests/"]) // Disable on entire folders
.ignoreInFiles(["lib/some-vendored-file.js"]) // Disable on entire files
.ignoreIn(["lib/**/*.ts"]) // Disable using globs (for compatibility with current features)

I believe this allows for more fine-grained control of when a rule would be enabled or not. This should remove the need for disable comments at the top of a file, and move all or most of the knowledge of what is ignored and disabled to the configuration file(s).

elm-review only has the directories and the files variants, not the glob one, due to a lack of need for it at the moment. There could also be a .onlyInDirectories([...]) and similar variants, which elm-review also hasn't felt the need for yet.

If you need to disable several rules for a specific part of the project, you can use the language and create a helper function:

const rules = [
// more rules...
function notForTests(rule) {
return rule.ignoreInDirectories(["tests/"]);

These modifiers can be applied on the rules themselves. So if you were writing a custom rule for your application, you could do something like

function noHttpCallsExceptIn(filePath) {
return core.createRule({
name: "no-http-calls",
meta: { /* meta */ },
create: function(context) {
// somehow forbid any HTTP call or imports
const rules = [

Duplicates and overriding

Since we're not using an object with the rule name as the key, we can now have duplicate rules. When designing elm-review, I tried making it impossible to have duplicate rules. In the end, I noticed that it could actually be useful and therefore allowed it.

One such instance is when you want the same rule configured differently for different parts of the project.

const rules = [
someRule({ allowUnsafeOperations: true })
someRule({ allowUnsafeOperations: false })

Another use case is to allow multiple uses of rules like no-restricted-syntax, which are very useful but as far as I know can't be composed. If you inherit from 2 configurations (for instance, Airbnb's) that both use this rule, only one of them gets used and the other one gets silently ignored.

const rules = [

This system that allows duplicates is what elm-review has at the time of writing.

In the case of ESLint and especially its existing ecosystem, this would probably not work well though, as users would end up with lots of duplicated rules if the overriding mechanism is thrown away.

A more likely path to adoption is to not allow duplicates, probably on the basis of the rule's name, and use the one that appears last.

const rules = [
...someConfig, // contains "no-console" which will be ignored
core.noConsole({ "allow": ["warn", "error"] }), // will be used
// more rules...

That would make extending configurations way easier, and closer to what ESLint does. There are 2 downsides that I see with this.

The first one is that some rules (or versions thereof) could be silently ignored. For instance, with [ someRule(true), someRule(false)] the first rule would be ignored, which could be frustrating to debug if you didn't notice the second one later in the array. This is slightly more of a problem compared to when rules is an object as it is today.

The second downside is that it then becomes harder to duplicate rules, which as mentioned before could be really valuable. But if we consider a rule unique by its name, then one way to still allow duplicates is to allow renaming a rule, like this for instance:

const rules = [

The Airbnb's configuration for instance could choose to rename its version of no-restricted-syntax to airbnb/no-restricted-syntax for instance, or choose to give more appropriate names like no-for-statement and no-with (that's part of what they seem to use it for).

Just like Airbnb, plugins and configurations could create custom rules using no-restricted-syntax and masquerade it as regular rules, though some more overriding might be necessary (e.g. the meta property).

elm-review doesn't have this big of an ecosystem yet, and users don't define shareable configurations, but maybe it will head down in this direction in the future.


Here's what a full ESLint configuration could look like:

import * as core from "eslint";
import * as react from "eslint-plugin-react";
const rules = [
...core.recommended.filter(rule => rule.name !== "no-debugger"),
core.noConsole({ "allow": ["warn", "error"] }),
].map(rule => rule.ignoreInDirectories(["generated-code/"]));
export default {
languageOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2020,
sourceType: "module"
rules: rules

To recap: rules are functions that takes options as arguments and return immutable values that can be chained to alter the way ESLint runs them.


  1. Control over the configuration becomes a lot more fine-grained, which should reduce the number of eslint-disable comments in the project.
  2. The defaults for enforcing rules would be better. It would request additional work from users to allow disabling rules through comments or to set them as warning, which are not good practices.
  3. Rules can be duplicated (for no-restricted-syntax or rules with different configuration for different parts of the codebase).
  4. The rule configuration comes from JavaScript arguments, not data that authors have to extract from the "context". You could validate this using TypeScript, and pass in functions and regexes!
  5. Configuration is very explicit and a lot less magic, as there is no references to ESLint plugins through strings. It becomes much easier to figure out how the configuration works or got messed up. If someone types react.frbidPropTypes(), the error message should be a lot clearer than currently. Overall, learning to configure ESLint will be a lot closer to learning JavaScript than learning a new tool.
  6. A shareable ESLint configuration is now mostly a simple array of pre-configured rules.
  7. Since rules don't have to be loaded through the current system, no need for --rulesdir to define custom rules for your application/package: just import the file and add the rule to rules. I hope this would lower the barrier to locally forking an ESLint rule even more (instead of users demanding maintainers for more options to have a rule fit their unique preferences), and push people towards creating their own custom rules even more, which is such an amazing tool to have at your disposal.
  8. I believe that the configuration of rules is a lot more straightforward like this, compared to the complex merge system that needs to be taught to users and the magic numbers/strings (2/"error").

A few downsides that I can see:

  1. This is obviously a breaking change. All ESLint plugins would need to be re-published and to use the new way to create a function. But I think it would be possible to have a helper function to transform the old version to the suggested API. Users could wrap existing rules in the core.createRule themselves if maintainers haven't re-published their package.
  2. It will not be possible (or very hard?) to re-define the options for a rule using directive comments like /* eslint quotes: ["error", "double"] */. I personally don't see this as a downside, but this is an existing feature that people might currently use.
  3. Compared to JSON/YAML, it becomes a lot harder to programmatically add a new rule to the configuration with a command like eslint add-rule no-unused-vars. ESLint doesn't support that anyway at the moment.


For those interested, this is what an elm-review configuration looks like:

module ReviewConfig exposing (config)
{-| Do not rename the ReviewConfig module or the config function, because
`elm-review` will look for these.
To add packages that contain rules, add them to this review project using
`elm install author/packagename`
when inside the directory containing this file.
import Documentation.ReadmeLinksPointToCurrentVersion
import NoDebug.Log
import NoDebug.TodoOrToString
import NoExposingEverything
import NoForbiddenWords
import NoImportingEverything
import NoMissingTypeAnnotation
import NoMissingTypeAnnotationInLetIn
import NoMissingTypeExpose
import NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructorArgs
import NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors
import NoUnused.Dependencies
import NoUnused.Exports
import NoUnused.Modules
import NoUnused.Parameters
import NoUnused.Patterns
import NoUnused.Variables
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule)
import Simplify
config : List Rule
config =
[ Documentation.ReadmeLinksPointToCurrentVersion.rule
, NoDebug.Log.rule
, NoDebug.TodoOrToString.rule
|> Rule.ignoreErrorsForDirectories [ "tests/" ]
, NoExposingEverything.rule
, NoForbiddenWords.rule [ "TODO" ]
, NoImportingEverything.rule []
, Simplify.rule Simplify.defaults
, NoMissingTypeAnnotation.rule
, NoMissingTypeAnnotationInLetIn.rule
, NoMissingTypeExpose.rule
, NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors.rule []
, NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructorArgs.rule
, NoUnused.Dependencies.rule
, NoUnused.Exports.rule
, NoUnused.Modules.rule
, NoUnused.Parameters.rule
, NoUnused.Patterns.rule
, NoUnused.Variables.rule
|> List.map (Rule.ignoreErrorsForDirectories [ "generated-src/" ])

Pretty similar, right?!

At the moment, there is only the equivalent of ESLint's rules. There is no other option the tool takes or information that the tool can't infer from other project files. For now, this has worked really well.

This configuration file gets compiled by the Elm compiler, so almost all configuration errors are turned into compiler errors, and if you know Elm, you know that the error messages are really helpful. And elm-review's messages and the rules' error messages follow that trend as well.


I hope you found this design interesting!

I spent a lot of time using, configuring and writing rules for ESLint and it definitely inspired elm-review, though the end results are quite different. I can confirm that this configuration system has worked really well for elm-review!

ESLint has a huge ecosystem to support, different constraints than elm-review and already a re-design of the configuration system in the works. While the new design is an improvement to the current one, I personally feel like it is not as good as what I presented. Ultimately it's a matter of trade-offs (in both ways!) and balancing these to fit ESLint's goals best.

Making such important decisions should not be taken lightly, and even if you think my design is nice, I have potentially skipped over some important details, like additional configuration not directly related to a rule that could still have an impact on it, or the fact that configurations in plugins contain more than just rules.

I will not create an official RFC for it, as I am not heavily writing JavaScript nor TypeScript at the moment (Join the Elm side!) and I'm already spending all of my spare time working on elm-review.

I hope that people involved in that project will try to take what they think are good ideas and integrate them into the tool, so that both tools can learn from each other and become better. I will keep following how ESLint evolves as usual.